Our Program

Our Kindergarten offers a Queensland Government Approved Kindergarten Program which is available as a pre-prep year for children who turn 4 by June 30th in the year they attend. We operate two separate programs with two groups of 22 children.

KOOKABURRAS – Our first group attends Mondays and Tuesdays from 8.00am to 3.30pm 

GECKOS – Our second group of children attend Wednesday, Thursdays and Fridays from 8.30am to 2.30pm.

Both groups follow the Queensland State School Terms and Public Holidays.

The Curriculums that guide our practice are the Queensland kindergarten learning Guidelines (QKLG) and the Early years learning Framework with outcomes related to Belonging, Becoming and Being. Each curriculum points to developmentally appropriate practice rather than subject/content based approaches. Subject matter is covered through experiences which may initially be supporting social/emotional/ physical/ language or mathematical/self-care/musical/artistic skills. Teachers remain present with children as they explore their world, offering comfort and support when needed, pose problems, extend thinking and offer resources. There is a balance in intentional teaching moments and child initiated learning. A quote that sums this up succinctly is a teacher’s role isn’t ‘to create the magic but create the conditions for the magic to happen’

Our Play

Each child is seen as an individual with differing interests, abilities, strengths and needs. All children at HPK learn in a social context with play being the optimum way their learning is facilitated. The children are co-creators, co- owners and co-decision makers exploring roles, construction, nature, art music, science, dance, literature and so much more. Children are intrinsically motivated to learn whilst playing. They are confident to try new approaches to learning and persist to solve problems as part of play. Relationships are developed as a result of the children and teachers collaborating and co-operating to explore learning. As the children’s social and emotional brain is being developed at ‘Kindy age’ learning to manage social engagements and emotions is an important aspect of the daily interactions and is developmentally appropriate. This part of the brain needs to be built as they form the platforms upon which higher order thinking can occur.

Gugubarra Ngurambang
(Kookaburra Country)

In this special place ‘Gugubarra Ngurambang’
We play and laugh and songs are sung.
In a creek we splash and climb strong trees
Protect the birds and bugs and bees.

We learn, make friends, grow and belong
And with delight listen to every bird’s song.
We can be messy, silly, smart and brave
And marvel at a world we want to save.

Hugs we give and stories we share,
Dance and show how much we care.
But best of all this is a child’s place to be
Where I am important and can be
‘just me’.


During the warmer months we base our program on the following timetable. During the cooler, winter months, activities are similar to those undertaken in the warmer months, with a slight increase in time spent indoors.

 Kookaburras– 08:00
Geckos – 08:30
Outside Play
10:00 Morning Tea
10:30 Puzzles and Planning Time
11:00 Inside Play
12:15 Music and Story Time
12:30 Lunch
1:00 Rest Time
2.00 Culminating Activities –
Geckos – 2.30 Going home time
Kookaburras – 3.30  Going home time